Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cloning Sheep and the Protein Rich Factor

Remember the controversy surrounding cloning, and all the stir about stem cells and such? Well, science is always trying to figure out ways to rebuild what’s lost or wrong in our bodies. We would love it in dentistry too – wouldn’t it be cool if you could regrow a lost tooth?! We’ve introduced a cutting edge technology at Total Care Dental that doesn’t involve regrowing teeth or cloning sheep, but we think it’s just as amazing.

The technology is called Protein Rich Growth Factor (PRGF). That name alone sounds impressive… but just wait until you find out what it does. Do you hate to smile because of missing teeth? Do you know someone with dentures that can’t eat the foods they love? We can’t grow new teeth, but with PRGF, you can eat and smile again. We take your Growth Factor – yes, it comes from you, not someone or something else – and we use it to help rebuild your gums and restore you teeth with dental implants.

We’ve been using this technology for a couple of months, and have been astounded at the results! Patients have reported very little or no pain after their appointments, even on the day of surgery. And the healing – it’s like nothing we’ve ever seen.

As far as we know, we are the only dentists in our area using PRGF. We’re thrilled to be able to offer this to you, our great patients. If you have questions about how PRGF could help you, give us a call. We love to show off our new toys

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